
The Controversy About CBD

CBD is not a playful reversed version of BCD, neither is it a play on letters, CBD is a solution you may not know you had been searching for. It stands for cannabidiol, which is an extract of marijuana or hemp trees. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that has a percentage of psychoactive property and has the tendency of making users high, cannabidiol is not psychoactive because it is extracted from the stem part of specific diverse cannabis trees, also known as hemp.

Looking at the chemical property, CBD is only one out of over 85 chemical substances called cannabinoids, and they all come from the cannabis plant. Although CBD takes the second highest hemp percentage taking up to 40% of hemp extracts, it has barely any trace of THC, which takes the highest share of the hemp compound, and as such has psychoactive effects on user even when taken in little quantity.


The confusion and argument about CBD and THC are whether or not the former functions as the latter since they are extracted from similar sources, but it has been proven for a fact that CBD products do not in any way intoxicate because they are two separate cannabinoid types.


A cannabinoid is a chemical family that has a wide range of natural and artificially created substances. Different cannabinoids have widely varied effects, with some cannabinoids proven to have soothing and relaxing properties and others such as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC that are termed illegal drugs which affect the psychological state.

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CBD is a natural cannabinoid that is legal and safe to consume, but because of its relation to the controversial THC, it did not come to positive limelight until recently.  Now, the health, cosmetic, and even veterinary sectors are taking advantage of the benefits of CBD oil.

How does CBD Work in the Body?

Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system that affects basic life functions relating to reproduction, appetite, pain reception and management as well as immune response. CBD acts as an indirect antagonist to human CB1 and CB2 receptors thereby reducing the tendency of being overactive. So one of the major effects of CBD is that it protects the nervous and immune systems from constant stress.


Best CBD oil can be made synthetically or harvested from the industrial hemp plant, stalk or seeds. Then, it is heated through the decarboxylation process, which makes oil react easily with the CB receptors in the body.

1. It regulates the stress hormone: Stress is a menace that has become a normal part of life. You want to juggle work with family responsibilities and still have time for some fun, but stress leaves you so tired that you only have time to crash on the sofa on most days. Maybe yours is insomnia, which can also be due to restlessness caused by stress.


Well, scientific research has connected the endocannabinoid system to stress regulation and CBD oil when ingested orally or sublingually (applied under the tongue), produces a soothing effect the moment it hits your bloodstream.  So, you need CBD oil to reduce the effects of stress.

2. It relieves chronic pains: do you have aged parents and grandparents suffering from long-term arthritis or multiple sclerosis? Or your line of work leaves you physically aching almost daily? Then, you have just stumbled on the 'miracle' that got everyone talking these days. Try to apply CBD oil as an emollient that seeps through the particular pain area to gain instant relief.




3. It addresses serious ailments: is it a wonder that the gaze of the world has shifted to the miraculous abilities of CBD oil? Who would not want to prevent or be free of critical ailments like cancer, diabetes, seizures, epilepsy, glaucoma, asthma and a host of many more serious ailments?


Just like every other skincare or health product, it is important that only the best be applied to your body. Therefore, we recommend Cureganics and purekana, the best CBD oil on the market capable of relieving chronic pains, preventing terminal ailments such as diabetes and cancer, as well as suppress cortisone, the stress hormone responsible for stress-related symptoms like tiredness, restlessness of the mind and headache.