Can You Use SPF Sunscreen For All Parts Of The Body? Update In 2021


SPF sunscreen for all parts of the body

We used to think that sunscreen was just for women, we used to think it was mainly used for cosmetics. Nowadays sunscreen is not used for cosmetics, it's a crucial skin care requirement. Male or female, we know that the sun’s UV lights are not just bad for skin but may even cause diseases such as cancer. (remember that next time you go sunbathing without your SPF sunscreen)


What is SPF anyways?

SPF means Sun Protection Factor, it's basically, how much of those damaging UV lights gets through the sunscreen. You should note that there is no sunscreen that would stop sun exposure to your skin, every single one, whether spf 15 or 50, just reduces sun exposure, also, you don’t even want that, your skin and body in general needs enough sunlight to do basic function; I’m not saying we are plants and we do photosynthesis, but certain functions of the body, including the famous Vitamin D production, is heavily dependent on sunlight. We’ll talk about this later. nourishmax reviews  


Now to how much SPF you need.


It depends on where you are and how much sunlight you want to block, if you are in Marbella in august and you don’t want a tan, maybe go for SPF 80-100 to block more than 90 percent of the sunlight. But if you live in London in December, do you really need any?


So, the percentage of SPF really depends on where you are and what you want, but generally speaking wearing SPF 30 would be beneficial most of the time, while getting the necessary sunlight as well.  Nourishmax Sunscreen SPF

But SPF is not the only important factor, most people don’t wear enough sunscreen. We know that this is probably a gross way of measuring sunscreen, but you need at least 2 tablespoons of sunscreen on your face, neck and arms, and another 2-3 tablespoons if you want to cover your body as well. 


Wearing SPF sunscreen on your body is totally safe and recommended as well. You need to cover your arms and neck with sunscreen, just like you do with your face, and you need to cover your body when you are on the beach. That’s why It’s called skin cancer, not face skin cancer.


Even when you do all of that you need to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours for it to work. To put it simply it wears off in the sun.


It’s also worth noting that sunburn doesn't have anything to do with the weather. In Fact, your risk of getting sunburned in snow is higher than the beach because snow reflects all of the sunlight, so don’t think of sunburn as a tropical or summer-time problem, in fact you can even get sunburned in cloudy weather, that’s why we can produce solar energy with cloudy weather, because light gets through clouds. That’s not to say it doesn't affect it, you probably need a lower SPF in cloudy weather.


Our body needs food and water to generate energy and our daily metabolism needs, now we tend to eat food, so our body does this job naturally, does anyone get a energy or food injection instead? (voluntarily)  The same is true for Vitamin Taking Vitamin D supplements is ok. It does the job. but making it naturally is way better and preferred. So don’t be scared of sunlight, learn it, educate yourself, and get what you need from it, simultaneously, protect yourself as well. 

Sunlight’s interaction with our body doesn't end with vitamin D production. You need sunlight to absorb minerals and calcium, and furthermore, sunlight is involved in producing a hormone in your body called “Melatonin”, this is the hormone that tells your body if it's day or night.


And while it's not scientifically proven, sunlight is related to happiness, when have you ever seen sunlight being associated with sadness. This would be a good test to do. 

Next time you've got a good amount of sun, measure your happiness from 1 to 10 and write on a piece of paper, and do the same on a rainy day, you’ll get the results. 


Try to have your SPF 30 on hand at all times, never hurts to have protection, remember to reapply, and don’t forget about your neck and arms.